
Controversial Scarlet Spider

The Scarlet Spider is a pretty controversial character, heralding from the spider man 'Clone Saga' in the 90's. The Scarlet Spider was Spider-man's clone, come back after a few years away. He made the scarlet spider costume quickly, an all-red bodysuit, and threw on a blue hoodie he got from the Museum of Natural History to complete the look.
If you're concerned about the name then don't fret as it was actually worked into the comic as what others called him (the character himself didn't like the name and thought it was stpuid) - that's a nice bit of pre-Marvel movie-verse character name dropping where it has become common place now.

Personally I always thought Scarlet was pretty cool, and even though lots of fans take issue with the scarlet spider hoodie over spandex design, I liked it.

